3D Printing

15mm Star Wars Death Troopers and AT-ST
A squad of 15mm Death Troopers and their AT-ST support for Star Wars: Chain of Command. Infantry from Highlander Studios. They are normal troopers, however, […]

15mm Star Wars Stormtroopers
First squad of 15mm stormtroopers for Star Wars: Chain of Command with their troop transport support. Infantry from Highlander Studios. Transport from Thingiverse, 3D printed.

Printed Shermans
3D printed Shermans for my Second World War North Africa British.

Paint holder
Got a collection of 3D print files from Humble Bundle including this neat terrain feature: a well that doubles as a paint pot holder. Hope […]

3D Printing
So life has been in the way, let alone COVID-19. So I’ve been playing with my latest toy, a FDM 3D printer, to try and […]

Comparison: 3D Printed 15mm LAV-25 vs Eureka Miniatures ASLAV.
Comparison: #3dprinted #15mm LAV-25 vs @eurekamin ASLAV. Of course the metal outshines they print in detail but painted I think it will come up a treat. #teamyankee #miniatures #wargaming

Second go at 3D printing a 15mm miniature.
Second go at #3dprinting a #15mm miniature, this time a M113AS4 from VJM787 on wargaming3d.com, for my #teamyankee modern Australians. The first files I actually purchased. Came out very well! Just need to add wire or tubing for the main weapon then get some paint on it. Then mass produce them. Second pic is beside a @battlefrontminiatures M1A1. #wargaming #miniatures

Marmon-Herrington MkII armoured car in 15mm.
After fiddling with settings and watching many videos, I had a go at printing a Marmon-Herrington MkII armoured car. The catch: the file is for #28mm so I scaled it down to 53% for #15mm. Quite happy with the results! Pictures show it assembled. #3dprinting #wargaming #miniatures #flamesofwar #chainofcommand